




ハイブリッド方式、現地参加 参加費500円
2024年7月29日 ブログ管理者


[Remembrance Meeting].

 The following details will be held. If you have time, we would be grateful if you could attend in some way. Please do not overdo it, though it is unclear if the heat is still too intense.

‘In memory of Mari Yamamoto’

8 September, 18:30-21:15.
Sky Hall, 14F, Kita Topia
Hybrid system, on-site participation, participation fee 500 yen.

For enquiries about this, please email this blog.

29 July 2024, blog administrator.






2024年7月16日 ブログ管理者



 Mari Yamamoto (Eiko Nagano), the main character of this blog, passed away on the evening of Wednesday 3 July, approximately two weeks ago, after a battle with lung cancer that lasted several years. 71 years old. We would like to express our sincere thanks to the many people who supported Mari Yamamoto’s life and activities during her lifetime. Thank you very much for all your support.

 Therefore, if any of our readers would like to write a tribute to Mari Yamamoto or send us a comment, we would be grateful if you could send it to the “Contact Us” section of this blog. We will definitely respond to your post, and we will discuss how we can publish your memorial letter or comment (on this blog) at that time. There is no deadline for accepting submissions, but we will eventually consider compiling an electronic version of the memorial letter together with the main activity materials that you have sent us.

 If you have any articles, transcripts or other materials related to Mari Yamamoto at hand, please let us know. We would like to start the process of transferring or donating them after consulting with you.

July 16, 2024 Blog administrator



   This blog was established at the end of 2023 with the aim of collecting and organizing materials related to Mari Yamamoto (writing name: Eiko Nagano), who has struggled as one of the parties involved in the human rights movement for people with mental disabilities since around 1980, and making them widely available for discussion by everyone.


  In the future, we plan to organize and publish Mari Yamamoto’s books, translations, written articles, speech records and presentation materials by category, as well as materials and documents related to the various movements collected during this period, and publish them sequentially.


  For blog readers, if you have any Mari Yamamoto-related literature or materials at hand (including memories and recollections), we would be grateful if you could first contact us by email with your enquiry. We will then get back to you to discuss sending or transferring the material. Thank you for your cooperation.

管理者 Blog Administrator