
追悼ビデオメッセージ Memorial video message (Hedda)

Hello.  My name is Tina Minkowitz, and I’m currently the president of the Center for the Human Rights of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry.  I’m also a former board member and co-chair of the World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry.

I first met Mari when she was a board member of the World Network and when I was first starting to do the work on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.as a representative of the World Network, that was before I had become a board member myself.  I remember always valuing Mari’s contributions during that process, she was always very diligent and would always make sure to read materials I sent proposing a position or sharing a draft of a document and she would comment on it, her comments were always supportive and helpful.

I also remember Mari as being extremely principled in all areas of her life, being firmly and deeply against Japanese imperialism and taking positions in support of the countries that Japan had colonized and in support of the women who were known as the former ‘comfort women’ that were fighting for reparations for having been put into sexual slavery.  Mari was also a very staunch feminist in terms of strongly supporting women’s human rights and freedoms, and I know that even during this last period of her life that I had been able to send her some video messages along with another close colleague of mine and I was told that when she heard my messages she was happy to have been in solidarity with other female activists.

And I was happy to have had some small contact with her through those video messages during this period even though I was not able to speak with her directly, the time zones just never worked out.

I want to honor Mari for all of who she was, as an activist, as a principled freedom fighter and human rights defender, and for all that I heard of her, of her personal life that I know that she suffered greatly and I did not know all the details, and also that she was somebody who really liked to go out and have a good time.  And I hope and I’m sure that others of you will share different aspects of Mari that you knew, and that we can all share with her our love and let her go in love as someone who contributed and stood up for the right things in this world.  Thank you.

こんにちは。 私はティナ・ミンコウィッツと申します。現在、「精神医学の利用者と遺族の人権センター」の代表を務めています。 また、「精神医学の利用者と遺族の世界ネットワーク」の元理事であり、共同議長でもあります。

マリさんと初めてお会いしたのは、彼女が世界ネットワークの理事だった頃で、私が世界ネットワークの代表として障害者権利条約の活動を始めた頃でした。 彼女はいつもとても勤勉で、私がポジションを提案したり、文書の草案を共有したりするために送った資料を必ず読んで、それに対してコメントしてくれました。

日本帝国主義に断固として深く反対し、日本が植民地化した国々を支持する立場をとり、性的奴隷として扱われたことに対する賠償を求めて戦っていた元「慰安婦」と呼ばれる女性たちを支持していました。 マリはまた、女性の人権と自由を強く支持するという点で、非常に確固としたフェミニストでもありました。マリが最晩年を迎えたこの時期に、私はもう一人の親しい同僚と一緒に彼女にビデオメッセージを送ることができました。


活動家として、原則的な自由の闘士として、人権擁護者として、そして私が聞いた彼女の私生活のすべてについて、彼女がとても苦しんでいたことは知っていますが、私はその詳細を知りませんでした。 そして、他のみなさんが、あなたが知っているマリのさまざまな面を分かち合ってくれることを願っていますし、そうすることで、私たち全員が彼女と愛を分かち合い、この世界で正しいことのために貢献し、立ち上がった人物として、彼女を愛のうちに見送ることができると確信しています。 ありがとうございました。

追悼ビデオメッセージ Memorial video message (Hedda)

Dear relatives, members of the organization of Mari, friends and colleagues. I received the very sad news that Mari has passed away on the third of July. My sincere condolences for all of you. I’m very sorry for your loss. I met Mari to get with Yoshi for the training in family cook conferences。

Mari was a very special lady. We shared deficient that it is very important that every person has to write to make their own decisions and to stay in control of their own lives. Mari was a very kind person with a great heart for the people that she cared about. She meant a lot for the people in psychiatry and I could see how hard she worked for them.

I’m very thankful to have known Mari and also for the way she helped to facilitate everything for family group conferences in Japan and for all that she did for all the people in the groups that we work with. I very much admire her work and I know that she leaves so much behind. She will be missed.

And I hope that all the people who love her and care for her will share many memories of her and will keep sharing memories. I wish, all of you, a lot of strength and all the best and we here in the Netherlands will light a candle for Mari and we will always remember.






追悼ビデオメッセージ Memorial video message (Victoria Lee)

  My name is Victoria Lee. I would like to add my condolences to Mari’s family and countless friends and colleagues. We lost a significant leader who was tireless in her commitment and efforts to advance the rights and improve the lives of persons with psychosocial disabilities and the broader disability movement.

I must have first met Mari over 10 years ago at the time of working for the International Disability Alliance. And over the years, I had the privilege of getting to know her and work with her in Geneva and Japan as she boldly advocated to end coercion and institutionalization.

Her work and commitment were always studied and serious, but the image I will always keep of Mari is of a brightness, a light that came from within her, always quick to smile, laugh and connect. And despite the very trying challenges and frustrations, she was never one to let that or anything slow her down, but always looked forward towards a brighter future.

This force characterized her leadership and she always sought to bring people and movements together to foster solidarity and partnership. I learned a lot from you Mari. Thank you for your contributions, contributions that continue to bear fruit today and thank you for your warm nature and friendship. May you rest in power and peace.






追悼ビデオメッセージ Memorial video message (Oyong Gon)

Hello, I am Oyong-Gon from South Korea. I am honored to deliver a message for Mari Yamamoto at this important memorial. First, Ms. Mari Yamamoto, my senior and board member of WNSB from Asia Pacific, has been a genuine human rights activist with true and humble character.

I first met Mari in 2014 in Bangkok at the TCI Asia Conference, and she visited Korea many times to participate in the conferences held by Kami and National Human Rights Council of Korea. In 2018, Mari was invited to a conference on inclusion and legal capacity held by Korean Human Rights Council with National Assembly Committee Chair.

Japan and Korea have similar system of mental health. Mari’s presentation and information about the human rights situation of Japan gave me deep understanding. In 2017, after an international conference in Seoul, we talked our life stories, and Kyoko explained it was meant to be a friendship when Japanese tell her life story.

I pray to God for Mari’s recovery when she was in hospital, but she passed away so early. It is sad, but she is now in heaven, and she is in peace. I hope deep peace condolences to Mari’s family and friends in Japan and in all countries.










ハイブリッド方式、現地参加 参加費500円
2024年7月29日 ブログ管理者


[Remembrance Meeting].

 The following details will be held. If you have time, we would be grateful if you could attend in some way. Please do not overdo it, though it is unclear if the heat is still too intense.

‘In memory of Mari Yamamoto’

8 September, 18:30-21:15.
Sky Hall, 14F, Kita Topia
Hybrid system, on-site participation, participation fee 500 yen.

For enquiries about this, please email this blog.

29 July 2024, blog administrator.






2024年7月16日 ブログ管理者



 Mari Yamamoto (Eiko Nagano), the main character of this blog, passed away on the evening of Wednesday 3 July, approximately two weeks ago, after a battle with lung cancer that lasted several years. 71 years old. We would like to express our sincere thanks to the many people who supported Mari Yamamoto’s life and activities during her lifetime. Thank you very much for all your support.

 Therefore, if any of our readers would like to write a tribute to Mari Yamamoto or send us a comment, we would be grateful if you could send it to the “Contact Us” section of this blog. We will definitely respond to your post, and we will discuss how we can publish your memorial letter or comment (on this blog) at that time. There is no deadline for accepting submissions, but we will eventually consider compiling an electronic version of the memorial letter together with the main activity materials that you have sent us.

 If you have any articles, transcripts or other materials related to Mari Yamamoto at hand, please let us know. We would like to start the process of transferring or donating them after consulting with you.

July 16, 2024 Blog administrator



   This blog was established at the end of 2023 with the aim of collecting and organizing materials related to Mari Yamamoto (writing name: Eiko Nagano), who has struggled as one of the parties involved in the human rights movement for people with mental disabilities since around 1980, and making them widely available for discussion by everyone.


  In the future, we plan to organize and publish Mari Yamamoto’s books, translations, written articles, speech records and presentation materials by category, as well as materials and documents related to the various movements collected during this period, and publish them sequentially.


  For blog readers, if you have any Mari Yamamoto-related literature or materials at hand (including memories and recollections), we would be grateful if you could first contact us by email with your enquiry. We will then get back to you to discuss sending or transferring the material. Thank you for your cooperation.

管理者 Blog Administrator